Pizza cutters aren't just for pizza...I use mine to cut almost is a quick way to cut kids food in to bit size great on pancakes, french toast, waffles, hot dogs, pork chops, steak, lasagna, just to mention a few..... Patti Wilson
Egg slicers aren't just for eggs, try using it for strawberries, mushrooms and apples. It works great!!!! Patti Wilson
The next time you make spaghetti sauce, place an unpeeled, but scrubbed, carrot in the simmering pot to cut the acidity in the spaghetti sauce. Nancy Ness
Roasted walnuts or pecans I purchase large bags of walnuts and pecans, rinse them, place on paper towel, pat to dry off EXCESS water, place on large cookie sheet. Heat oven to 350º. When it reaches the temperature, turn off, place cookie sheet in oven, stirring occasionally. Cook till nuts are dry. Remove and allow to cool before you put in baggies. Then freeze.
They are so good, I need to hide in my big freezer....we have a mouse in our house...WARREN.
After I'm done baking, I turn off oven and place in the washed walnuts or pecans. Anita McIntosh
Food Processor Day: I hate washing the food processor so I do several things at once; Box of Corn Flakes, Box of Soda Crackers, 5 lbs. of Onions (when on sale), a large Cabbage and a piece of Salt Pork.
First I chop the corn flakes in the food processor, then the box of crackers. I use these to bread fish, chicken and pork chops, and add to meat loaf and meatballs.
Then I chop the cabbage. I cut 1/4 of it in large pieces for sweet and sour vegetables, then I slice about 1/4 for soup and 1/4 for stir fry (I freeze all these). I chop the rest for cabbage salad. You can use different amounts depending what you want cabbage for.
After the cabbage I work on the onions. First I buy 5 lbs. of onions. I put two onions in the fridge to use as raw onions for Bob's salad or whatever. (I don't eat raw onions). I peel all the rest. I take about 3/4 of them, cut them in pieces, chop fine and put in 1/2 or 1/3 cup portions and freeze in little baggies. When they are frozen I put them in one big bag in the freezer. I use these for meatballs, meat loaf, hot dishes etc. The 1/4 of onions that are left I slice in the food processor and freeze in a baggie. I use these for soup, hamburgers, etc.
Then I cut the skin off the salt pork (which I had in the freezer). I cut it in hunks and chop fine for cabbage rolls. I cook the salt pork until crisp, add about 2 packages of the onions and cook until golden and then freeze this for when I make cabbage rolls.
Teresa Ness
I have a good tip from my daughter, Anita Gray. She buy's her hamburger in cheaper larger quantities. Then she makes smaller packets when she gets home. One or two of the packets she browns well and cools before putting in a packet. Then it is ready for hot dish, or whatever. It’s much faster than trying to fry the frozen chunk of hamburger. Irene Hauner
How to make good gravy:
1. Remove meat from pan or roaster. (I always have an onion in there and probably a clove of garlic.)
2. Cook the juice until all the liquid is gone and there is only brown stuff on the bottom of the pan. (Do not burn).
3. Add about 1 cup water and bring to boil and boil down to nothing again.
4. Remove extra grease.
5. Add more water and salt and pepper and one or two bouillon cubes and bring to boil and add flour that has been mixed with water.
6. The amount of gravy depends on the size of the meat or chicken or turkey. Have a taste so you don't make it too weak. Teresa Ness
A Cool Rolling Pin
To keep cookie dough cool when you roll it out, you need a chilled rolling pin. Use one made of marble or to make one; remove the paper label from a glass soda bottle or cylindrical condiments jar, fill it with ice water, cap tightly and dry it well. Use as a rolling pin. Laura Ness